Wednesday 28 December 2016


Lahore, 28th December 2016: The Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan’s top-tier leading education institute,proved its competence by achieving the highest pass ratio in the Central Superior Services (CSS) examination 2016.
Every year thousands of candidates appear for this test across Pakistan, considering it as the most promising career prospect in the country. This year 9,643 candidates appeared for the CSS writtentest. However, only 202 (2.09%) of these qualified. This is the lowest percentage of successful students since 2011, where only 4 out of the 150 universities were able to showcase a double digit success rate.
However, this year students from the province of Punjab represented the highest number of successful candidates. Given the performance of the candidates, the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) students stood out with the best passing percentage of 23%, followed by IBA Sukkur (14%), NUST (12%), UET (7%), and the University of Punjab (1.5%). Out of the 70 candidates from LUMS who appeared for the examination, 16 of them  passed the written test representing the best pass-fail ratio among the 150 varsities.
This is yet another feather in the cap for LUMS. From winning multiple Fulbright scholarships each year to receiving local awards, LUMS students are constantly reinforcing this reputation of achieving excellence. The past years has seen LUMS graduates successfully join the government service and serve in key positions in the government, contributing highly towards the success and development of the society and the nation as a whole.

Friday 23 December 2016

Complete Guide for a Boat Trip

Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, people tend to crave some time away from their work. They want to spend this time relaxing and unwinding all those pent up emotions. They tend to spend their time off by going on vacations.
These vacations not only aim at relaxing your body and mind but also at exploring a new place and culture. People believe that in order to do this, the duration of the vacation needs to be long. However, it is important that the key to enjoying your trip does not lie in the time spent rather it lies in what you do to make the trip a memorable one.
One of the best ways to enjoy your vacation is by going on a boat trip. This is perhaps because water, which is one of the four elements of life, is associated with purity, healing and cleansing. This is one reason why people get a feeling of serenity when they you are surrounded by water from all sides.
If you are someone who loves spending time near or in the water, then this article by Jovago Pakistan is a must read for you as it provides a complete guide for going on a boat trip.
What is boat Trip?
Boat trip is basically getting on a boat to explore the beauty that the water beholds. It is one sport that can be undertaken by a person irrespective of the age, gender or experience.
Where can you go on a boat trip?
As boating is a water sport, it is done at water bodies such as rivers, lakes and seas. It is done at places where the water level is high .
Activities to do when on a boat trip
  • Fishing
Whether you are at a lake or at the coastal area, fishing is one activity that is a must do. You can get hold of all those popular fish that are found in the respective water body. Fish that are found at freshwater sites are different from those found in coastal areas.
  • Exploring
If you are someone who loves to explore new places and their culture, then boating provides you with the perfect opportunity to experience a different culture if you go about and explore the local places. You can even buy the souvenirs which are mostly made of shells, to remind you of the memorable time spent.
  • Water sports
Are you a fan of adventure and thrill? Then avail the opportunity to indulge in fun filled excursions that the boating trip provides you in the form of water skiing, swimming, tubing and even snorkeling.

Items Which Are Important to Make Your Trip Safe and Secure

While traveling itself can be an enjoyable excursion, there are various aspects that revolve around it that need to be looked upon in order to ensure that you have a great time. Safety and security is one important aspect that needs to be taken care of when one is traveling. It is important that you take a good care of your belongings so that your trip does not get spoiled when you lose a valuable.
To help you keep your luggage safe, Jovago Pakistan brings you an exclusive article on the items that you need carry in order to make your travel voyage secure.
  • Carrying security neck pouches/wallet
If you are traveling internationally or to an unknown place, it is better to carry your valuables in a neck pouch/ wallet. These are hidden beneath your clothes and are therefore concealed from the others around you.
  • Carrying customized cases
Instead of packing your valuables in your suitcase, it is better that you carry them in a customized case that can be easily slipped under the seat in front of you or keep it stashed between your feet.
  • Using locks to secure cases
Securing your suitcase to the nearest seat with a luggage lock will make it less probable that somebody snatches away your baggage. By locking your cases, you can fall asleep or head out to use the restroom without worrying about the safety of your belongings.
  • Carrying packable travel bags
If your travel excursion is for a short duration, then it is highly recommended that you carry packable travel bags with you. These bags are available in the form of tote or duffel bags. They can be folded up easily in your bag and can be expanded to fit several gifts and other valuables.
  • Taking safe-hidden travel wallet
This item is a must carry for all those travelers out there as it can help in hiding all your valuables such as cash, credit cards etc. This wallet is designed to keep the moisture away and can be easily strapped around your calf.

Jovago Pakistan provides a glimpse of the various gems found in Pakistan

People say that Pakistan has been blessed by Mother Nature in many ways. Be it the strategic location or the sheer beauty, Pakistan has got it all. The variety of landscapes that can be seen in various parts of Pakistan, from the world’s highest mountain ranges in the North to the wide yet deep coastal line in the South, allures tourists from all over the world towards themselves.
When people see the natural beauty of the various landforms and get entranced by it, they think that there can be nothing more spectacular than these picturesque views. However, Mother Nature proves them wrong. Beneath these landforms, lies a completely different world that encompasses beauty in a rare form.
This hidden world is full of natural resources that are essential for human life. Among these various natural resources, there are gems and stones which are not only used as ornaments but have other purposes as well. Pakistan is among those few countries that are also blessed in the department of these gems and stones which are not only rare but exquisite as well. To provide a glimpse of the various gems and stones that are hidden beneath the surface, Jovago Pakistan brings you an article.
● Emerald
The green colored gem, with hues of yellow and blue, entrances the beholder with its exquisite beauty. The best-known emeralds, which are in a transparent, sea-green color, are mostly extracted in Mingora which is the largest city in Swat District. Emeralds deposits are also found in the Northern Areas of Pakistan.
● Topaz
Topaz is famous for the different colors that can be seen in different crystal directions. Therefore, the most favored topaz is one which is step cut and is only found in Pakistan. The gemstone is found in Chitral, Gilgit Agency and Kalam.
● Aquamarine
The transparent gem which ranges from sky blue to sea green in color belongs to the beryl group of stones. The stone is always step cut to enhance its beauty. Aquamarine deposits can be found in the Shigar valley, Chitral, Kaghan and Neelum valley.
● Ruby
The red colored stone is very popular when it comes to its usage in the ornaments. As the deposits of ruby are found in rugged land, it is quite difficult to mine it. Hunza valley is home to the largest ruby deposits in Pakistan. After Burma, the only region in the world to produce ‘Blood Red’ is Hunza valley. The ruby belt in Hunza valley stretches over an area of 100 kilometers.

Thursday 15 December 2016

Jovago brings an exclusive article on Winter Sports in Pakistan

Winter is one of the four seasons that nature has bestowed the planet Earth with. Amongst all the seasons, it is not only the coldest season but it also the season that has the shortest days and longest nights of the year. Despite the frost and the considerable drop in temperatures, the winter season still manages to embrace people with joy and happiness.
This tends to happen, when people all over the world indulge in any sports to not only keep them warm but also to get entertained. Just like the other countries, people in Pakistan involve themselves in sports, despite the cold that is brought about by the winter season.
With the winter season just being started,  people are already making plans for their vacations. Jovago Pakistan brings you an exclusive article on the winter sports that you can indulge in while exploring Pakistan.
  • Skiing
When the snow covers the mountains in its white, cold blanket the brave ones head out to take advantage of the snow by skiing, despite the freezing temperatures. What can be more exhilarating than gliding over the snow-covered peaks? Pick up your skiing equipment and head out to skiing destinations including Malam Jabba, Astore, and Naltar Valley to have a great time gliding down the mountains.
  • Ice Skating
Ice skating is one sport that gives you the feeling of being in charge and to just let yourself lose, that too on the ice. The best part is that you don’t have to keep your skating gear away just because it is winter. Rather put it on and set on a thrilling adventure. You can go ice skating at Malam Jabba and Karachi.
  • Ko Polo
This unique sport is a freestyle game is one of the specialties of the Baltistan area. Primarily an adult sport, it is the local version of what actually is hockey. While playing with sticks, the aim of the participants is to hit a heavy leather-made ball. The sport is pretty famous among the residents of the Shigar Valley.
  • Snowboarding
The thrill that one gets by riding over a snowboard is simply mind blowing. The feeling of gliding over a high altitude, that too with the slippery surface beneath you, is simply amazing. You can indulge in this thrilling sport at snowboarding resorts such as Muzaffarabad and Malam Jabba.

Highlighting the Natural Assets of Pakistan

People say that Pakistan is one of the few countries that have been blessed greatly by the Mother Nature. One of the contexts in which this can be held true is the variation in topography that can be found throughout the country.
These changes in the Pakistan’s topography seems to know no boundaries as they remain busy in enchanting the visitors with their views. Be it the mighty mountain ranges that stand in all their glory in various parts of the country or the alluring views that various water bodies provide to the passersby, Pakistan has got it all.
Apart from the natural yet mesmerizing beauty that these varying landforms possess, Pakistan is also blessed with the vast amount of natural resources. The South Asian country is  home to various natural resources including salt, natural gas, coal, limestone, copper, forests etc.
Thereby, it would not be wrong to say that Pakistan is a land of jewels. In order to highlight the various resources that Mother Nature has bestowed Pakistan with, Jovago Pakistan bring you an exclusive article on the diverse natural assets that are spread all over the country.
  • Salt
Pakistan is home to various salt reserves. Among these is the Khewra salt mine that is the second largest salt mine in the world. The mesmerizing Khewra salt mine, near Lahore,  are not only a source of the vast amount of salt but it also attracts a large number of tourists towards themselves because of its picturesque beauty.
  • Forests
Apart from being an important source of food, lumber, paper, fuel wood, latex, and medicine, forests also play a very important role in preserving the natural landscape and the wildlife. Although forests amount to 4 percent of natural resources in Pakistan, they further beautify the landscape. Pakistan’s Ziarat valley is home to the world’s second largest Juniper forest.
  • Coal
Currently having deposits of about 185 billion tons, the dark colored natural resource is one of the most essential resources found in Pakistan. It is the mainly used in Pakistan for fulfilling the  energy requirements.  The country’s Thar coalfield is the 16th largest coal reserve in the world.

Tips to stay awake during a long road trip

People often believe that road trips are a great way to explore the beauty of any travel destination. This is perhaps because of the fact that you get to have a much closer look at the place that you will be traveling to, which otherwise you would not have if you were traveling via airplane or train. Moreover, you get to explore the local beauty and the culture in a much raw yet appreciative way.
Whilst people talk endlessly about how great traveling by road is, they forget to mention the struggle that you have to face in the form of sleep and boredom. They forget to mention that at some point, you will begin to wonder why you haven’t already reached your destination. Even if you are not bored of the road trip, chances are that you get exhausted out of simply sitting in the car and craning your neck to look at scenic views.
This is probably very true in the case of long road trips. The exhaustion level simply reaches to a new height. If you are someone who loves to go on long road trips but suffer from drowsiness while doing so, then this article by Jovago Pakistan is a must read for you. The article provides you with tips that you can use to stay awake and alert while on the road.
  • The pre-drive nap
Before heading out on a long road trip, taking a short nap can help in making you feel fresh.
  • Avoiding consumption of alcohol
Drunk driving is one of the main causes of deaths. Even very small amounts of alcohol will make you feel drowsy. Therefore, it is advised not to indulge into your alcohol craving while you are on the road.
  • Taking a short break by pulling over
Taking breaks every couple of hours by pulling over, even if you are not feeling sleepy, is highly advised. This is because it will give you the opportunity to get some fresh air and to stretch your legs by walking around.
  • Switching drivers through buddy system
While going on long road trips, it is highly advised to have a companion for your journey. By doing this, you can switch drivers by pulling over after every couple of hours. organizes hotel awards to encourage the travel industry of Pakistan hosts its 2nd hotel awards at Luxus Grand Hotel to award the best rated hotels and to support the travel industry of Pakistan by creating awareness about the potential of e-tourism and online hotel booking in Pakistan.
Lahore, 14th December 2016: In order to promote tourism,, Pakistan’s No 1 Online hotel booking website, organized its second annual hotel awards on 14th December in Lahore. The purpose of this event was to applaud the best hotels in Pakistan as well as to raise awareness regarding the domestic travel and tourism industry among the general public.
Through this event, Jovago aimed to strengthen the tourism and hotel industry of Pakistan by recognizing and rewarding the best hotels a token of appreciation for their exceptional customer services reflected in their traveler ratings.
Commenting about this event, Managing Director of, Ms. Tina Wang said, “ endlessly aims to create initiatives beneficial for the entire travel industry of Pakistan, that will not only promote domestic tourism but also generate great revenue, therefore boosting the economic sector of Pakistan. By educating travellers how to comfortably book their accommodations at the best rates, we want to make it simple, secure, and convenient for travellers across Pakistan to experience the beauty that our country has to offer.” “It is an honor to work with all of our exceptional hotel partners and furthermore, we congratulate the award winners on their achievement,” she added.
The presence of the honourable Guest of Honour Mr. Ahmer Mallick, MD Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab and Chief Guest, Tania Qureshi, Deputy Director Media & Marketing, Walled City of Lahore Authority further added to the prestige of the event and recognized the growing potential of the travel industry in Pakistan.
The following are the categories of awards presented to hotels based on performance and reviews:
  1.    Customer Choice Awards
  2.    Booking Awards
  3.    Best Hotel Partner Award
  4.    Rising Star Award
  5.    Best Partner Award
The Asia Pacific Internet Group ( is a joint venture of Rocket Internet and Ooredoo. The group’s network consists of 14  e-commerce and online marketplace companies, operating across 15 countries. Since it was founded in 2014, APACIG has become the leading online platform in Asia, building top internet companies in the region.
About Jovago Pakistan is an online hotel booking service with offices in Pakistan, Nairobi (Kenya) and 10 other offices across the continent. Jovago is founded by Africa Internet Group and has Rocket Internet, MTN, Millicom, AXA, Orange and Goldman Sachs as its investors., Pakistan’s No.1 booking portal, facilitates the booking process for its users to provide them with the best hotel booking experience with fast, transparent and easy-to-use services. has over 2000 local hotel listings in Pakistan and over 200,000 hotels around the world.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Places That Can Fit Into Your Year-End Budget

When it comes to traveling, there are various aspects governing it which one needs to look at before deciding upon whether they can go on to satiating their thirst for travel expedition. One of these travel aspects is money. It is often the factor that forces people to hold their horses and stop them from traveling around the world.
People often feel that they are tight on their budgets at the end of the month or the year. This is perhaps because they are involved in shopping to welcome the new year in the best possible manner. Despite the tight budget, especially at the year, Jovago Pakistan (an online hotel booking website) believes that you can still travel  to various places. with the help of some tips and tricks.
Rather than traveling abroad to spend your vacations, you can set on a journey to explore the sheer beauty of Pakistan, that too without causing a strain to your budget. You can  places that can still fit your limited amount of money are as follows:
  • Ziarat
The beautiful hill station of Ziarat, which is the capital of the Ziarat District in Balochistan, is situated at an altitude of 8000 feet. It is home to the world’s second largest juniper forest, which is a must see sight especially in the winter season when the area is covered in the blanket of snow.

  • Kund Malir
In the largest province lies an exotic beach by the name of Kund Malir. It is located at an approximate distance of 230 km from Karachi. Kund Malir is located near the Hingol National Park which is Pakistan’s largest national park. It is considered to be a natural wonder because  of it being a beautiful desert beach with palm trees on the shoreline.

  • Kachura Lake
In the area of Gilgit-Baltistan, flows the Kachura lake. The lake, at an altitude of 8200 feet, comprises of two lakes in the Skardu District. Among the two lakes, the lower Kachura Lake is commonly known as Shangrila Lake and is a popular tourist destination.

  • Gorakh Hill Station
The province of Sindh has its very own hill station. In the town of Dadu, lies the Gorakh hill station at the border of Sindh and Balochistan. The hill station enjoys the status of being the highest point in Sindh.

Places to Visit After You Have Attended Your Convocation

There are various events in life which people tend to cherish and value for as long as they live. They engrave such moments in the deepest part of their brains so that can remember them long after they have occurred. Moreover, they tend to capture these these moments by taking photographs and videos so that they can serve as the perfect reminder of the good time that they had.
One of these important events is the time when one is presented with an educational degree to serve as a reminder of the time that one spent in learning a new skill or gaining a new perspective. The degree is usually presented at convocation, which is a ceremony where faculty members and families of graduating students gather about to applaud the efforts put in and the time spent by the students to get the educational degree.
In order to engrave the special moment when you finally get hold of the academic degree, for which they worked so hard, students make plans as to what they will do to make it a memorable one. The key to making your convocation an enthralling one lies in not only getting hold of the degree, but it also involves celebrating it in good yet memorable manner.
To help you make your convocation a memorable one, Jovago Pakistanbrings an exclusive article on the places that are must visit after you have attended one of the most special events of your life.

  • Restaurants/ Cafes
People say that one of the best ways to celebrate an event is to “wine and dine”. Whether you are celebrating with family or fellow batch mates, make sure to head out to some good eating places in your area. If you are someone who likes to dine at places that offer a lively yet warm ambiance, then a cafe can be  a suitable dining place for you.

  • Amusement Parks
People say that there is no age limit for having the time of your life. Although your convocation signifies that you are a grown up but it does not mean that you can’t go to amusement parks. Accompanied with your friends and family head out to these parks, which are full of rides and what not, to add the high ending note to your special day.

  • Companies
Once you get hold of your degree, it is important that you make the most out of it. If you are someone who is planning to implement what you have learned in school, then it is important that you start searching for a job, that you actually want to do, after your graduation.

Places to Visit to Achieve Your Travel Goals in 2017

The month of December is usually marked with celebrations that are held to bid adieu to the current year and to welcome the new year. People get busy in not only cherishing of what is left of the outgoing year but they also get excited about what the next year would bring about for them.
Amidst the excitement to welcome the new year, people make plans as to what they will be doing in the year ahead. While many promise themselves to change or improve their habits by making New year  resolutions, others make plans as to how they can get make great memories in the upcoming year.
One of the best ways to make great memories is to make travel plans that will not only help you to unwind and relax but will also provide a new yet different perspective by opening the doors to a new land and a different culture. In order to help you make the most out of your travel plans in the year 2017, Jovago Pakistan brings you an exclusive article on the places in Pakistan that are a must visit.
  • Naltar Valley
In the area of  Gilgit-Baltistan, which possesses the natural beauty that seems to be out of the world, lies the breathtaking valley of Naltar which is surrounded by the Karakoram mountains. The valley is located at a distance of 40 kilometers from Gilgit. It is home to three colorful lakes, which are called Naltar or Bashiri lakes, that allure the tourists with different hues of aquamarine and azure.

  • Borith Lake
Situated at an altitude of 8500 feet, the Borith Lake is a perfect place that will certainly help in achieving your travel goals in 2017. It is the perfect place for camping as it is surrounded by a hamlet, which is a smaller settlement as compared to a village. Surrounded by mountains from all sides and the far stretched sky, it will enthrall you with its view at night.

  • Mahodand Lake
If you are looking out for spending some quality time surrounded by nature, then Mahodand lake is a must visit. Not only is it a quite place, a complete contrast to the hustle and bustle of city life, the Mahodand lake also serves as a great resort to set your spirit free as you get to indulge in activities such as fishing,  boating and rafting. It is located in the Swat District’s Usho Valley on the Northwestern side of Pakistan.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Smart Phone, the Ultimate Tool for Tourists

The advent of technology has paved way for ‘convenience and efficiency’ to seep into the lives of human beings. This is one aspect of globalisation that has helped people to not only connect but also to conduct the business transaction with people living all over the world.

Amongst the various technological innovations that have removed various barriers, the advent of smartphones have dissolved the communication barrier to a great extent. The smartphones are a much better version of the old mobile phones.

Hence, this gadget no doubt provides the true meaning to the word ‘convenience’. Not only are they able to communicate effectively through these gadgets but they are able to access merely anything at just a click away.

Amongst the various aspects of the human lives that have benefited from this technological advancement, the wandering and curious nature of the human beings is  one such example that has gained from this invention. As people have a yearning to explore and wander, to discover new things and places and they satiate this yearning by traveling to different places.

There can be seen a revolution in the travel and tourism sector as a result of the smartphones. While the conventional traveling experience was difficult and  expensive, among other things, the modern day traveling is far easier and convenient. Moreover, it won’t be wrong to say that the modern day traveling is far more memorable for travelers. There are several reasons as to why Jovago Pakistan believes that smartphones have emerged as the ultimate traveling experience.

     Perfect memory capturer
Gone are the days when you were just able to ‘live in the moment’. Now you are able to capture all your moments so that they get engraved and serve as a beautiful reminder of the wonderful time that you had while traveling.

     The know-it-all
Despite the small size of the smartphones, people are able to access large amounts of information at just a touch away. No matter where you want to travel, the smartphones allow you to gather all the travel related information.

     Ultimate hotel booking tool
Technology has made a breakthrough in the travel and tourism sector, as it allows people to get to make all the travel-related plans. Various online hotel booking websites, including Jovago Pakistan, now offer customers the ease to view, compare and book hotel online.

     Ultimate direction guide

Gone are the days when we saw people who had their nose stuck up to large maps in order to find directions. The advent of Google maps has certainly solved this problem. With easy  directions for every place on the planet Earth, Google Maps has emerged as the new best friend of tourists all over the world.

Naltar Valley- Beauty yet Undiscovered in Pakistan

Pakistan’s northernmost territory of Gilgit-Baltistan portrays a spectacular amalgamation of various facets. Not only, does it mark the border with countries  including  Afghanistan, China and India but it is also home to a variety of natural wonders that enthrall the tourists with their beauty.

Naltar Valley is one such example of the sheer beauty that the Gilgit-Baltistan area possesses. The valley is emerging as a popular tourist spot because of the variety of enthralling views that seems to behold the visitors with their beauty. To help tourists who are planning to visit the beautiful Naltar valley,  Jovago Pakistan brings an exclusive travel guide on this valley which is yet to be discovered.

During the British Rule, Naltar valley served as the hill station of Gilgit Agency. The British administrators used to spend their summers here to escape the oppressive summer heat.

The Naltar Valley is a beautiful mountain valley, that is situated at an approximate distance of 40km from Gilgit, in the Gilgit-Baltistan territory.  The valley comprises of two villages i.e. Naltar Bala and Naltar Pine which are accessible through Gilgit.

Naltar valley is surrounded by barren mountains that seem to embrace it in their folds. The blanket of the alpine trees covers the entire valley and it provides a stunning view to the passersby. It is also home to a variety of wildlife. Moreover, the three colorful lakes also add to the sheer beauty of the area. This is perhaps why a large number of tourists visit this valley in particular.

Popular tourist attractions
       The Naltar lakes
Naltar valley is famous for the three lakes, which are called Naltar or Bashiri lakes. These lakes  allure the tourists with their beauty as each lake is in a different color. The different hues of color ranging from aquamarine to azure, that can be seen in all the three lakes, attract tourists towards themselves. Natl three with its azure color, in particular, is the most visited lake out of the three Naltar lakes.

       Skiing chairlifts
Naltar is all set to emerge as the skiing hub of Pakistan. It is home to the country’s first skiing chairlifts which are used in the winter games. For Naltaris, skiing is not only a tradition but it is a part of their identity as well. Although they cannot afford the expensive equipment, almost all of the residents know how to ski and they tend to carve their own kits from the wood that is chopped from the widely spread pine trees.
If you have any other information on the Naltar valley, then do share it with us in the comments section below.

Social Media and Its Impact on Pakistan’s Tourism Industry

Technology has enabled people from all over the world to stay connected with others, irrespective of the distance. The communication barrier between people has between removed to a great extent by the introduction of various innovation including smartphones and social media.

The revolution brought about by technology is phenomenal. It has literally breathe life into the word ‘convenience’ by letting it seep into our lives through various inventions. This can be seen through the various platforms that the technology has provided to people so that they are better able to connect and remain in touch.

One such platform is the social media which in its literal sense means the use of technology to create and share information, ideas and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. Popular social media platforms include Facebook, twitter, youtube, Instagram etc.

Not only people are using these platforms to connect with other people but businesses too are using the opportunity to their benefit. They are using this platform to reach customers beyond the geographical boundaries and to connect and sell their products. They are doing this by offering customers the opportunity to shop online.

Apart from the brick and mortar stores, online shopping has emerged as an important platform for businesses to connect and engage with their customers by going beyond the geographical boundaries by creating a virtual market.

As the wings of technology spreads are spread in Pakistan, the country seems to go through a revolution. This technological advancement has opened the world of social media to the large Pakistani market, comprising of 210 million people. With more and more people joining social media platforms each day, the platform has emerged as an important tool that can be used by businesses to their advantage.

Seeing the potential that the large online market provides, many startup businesses have already made their launches in Pakistan in various sectors of the economy. In the travel and tourism sector, many startup ventures including Jovago Pakistan, Uber and Careem have already launched their successful operations. These startups have revolutionized the tourism industry in a better way.

By the introduction of these startups traveling has been made very easy. Gone are the days when people had to spent a large time planning their trip and then spending huge sums of money to ensure a safe trip is made. People nowadays are able to make quicker and cheaper travel plans including online hotel booking.

Moreover, with the emergence of social media platform people are more aware of everything that is going around them. For instance, when it comes to traveling, people are more aware of the new tourist spots that have been discovered in the country. With blogs, they get hold of the information about a place, which otherwise would have been difficult for them