Handmade Kashmiri Shawls
Not only will they keep you warm and protected from the cold, but will also be the perfect accessory for your winter wardrobe!
During the winter, are skin becomes dehydrated causing dry patches to
appear. To avoid this, moisturize your body and your face to make the
external layers of your skin softer!
Invest in a pair of gloves to keep your fingers and your hands warm.
This is recommended especially if you explore the northern areas of
Pakistan. Gloves help to prevent frostbite!
Even if it is for a shorter time everyday, the suns rays can still
harm your skin. Apply sunscreen to your face and any exposed skin for
harmful Ultra-Violet rays protection.
When travelling socks are the perfect accessories to carry with you.
Slip your shoes off on the plane and wear your socks, keeping your feet
warm and comfortable!
Always carry a packet of throat lozenges in your bag. The chances of
you having a sore throat during the winters increases, and lozenges will
soothe the pain away!
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