Sunday, 9 October 2016

Astonishingly Beautiful Mountain Ranges in Pakistan for Hiking

In the form of mountains, Mother Nature has blessed the earth with an important form of landscape. These huge mounds of rock stand high and mighty in various parts of the world. Pakistan is also among those countries which are home to several mountain ranges.
These mountain ranges are crucial for the South Asian country because various natural resources are enclosed within the many folds of these rocky mounds. Moreover, their exotic beauty attracts most of Pakistan’s inbound tourists towards themselves.Jovago Pakistan has compiled a list of beautiful mountain ranges in Pakistan that will surely leave you enchanted.
  • Himalaya Range
Famous for its Nanga Parbat peak which is known as the killer mountain,  this mountain range is located in the Gilgit-Baltistan. The Himalayas means house of snow. They are home to the world’s 10 highest peaks including Mount Everest.
  • Karakoram Range
In Turkish, the word Karakoram means black. True to its name, the splendid collection of dark brown and black rocks is truly one of its kind. To further enthrall the travelers, the steep nature of the mountains make it one of the most dangerous ranges in the world. Karakoram range is a favorite among bikers and cyclists. This mountain range runs along various countries namely: Pakistan, China and India. It is home to the several world’s highest glaciers and mountains including the famous K2.
  • Hindu Kush Range
This chain of mountains runs along the Eastern Afghanistan and stretches out towards North Western part of Pakistan. True to its name which means death, the mountain range is dangerous and deadly due to the passes which stretch between the peaks. The mountain range is mostly covered by glaciers, leaving little area for flora to grow. It is home to Tirich Mir-the world’s highest mountain peak outside the Himalayan-Karakoram ranges .
  • Sulaiman Mountains Range
The range stretches from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Its highest peak is Takht-e-Sulaiman which is also known as the ‘Throne of Solomon’ because of its shape.
  • Kirthar Mountain Range
The range is primarily located in Sindh while it also extends itself into central Baluchistan. The famous Kirthar National Park, which is one of the largest national parks of Pakistan, is also a part of this range. The highest peak Koh-e-Benazir  was recently discovered in 2009.

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